The Art of Participatory Leadership training in 2023 will be held ONSITE on 13-15. February 2023, Croatia (Terme Tuhelj, near Zagreb)! As part of the global network of trainers in the Art of hosting, we are offering this learning opportunity as a collaborative effort with partners from several countries. Training is held in the English language, intended for international participants, and enables rich and unique exchange and learning journeys.

Wooow! This is how we can describe our feeling after 3 days of a great group atmosphere and learning in AOPL 2022! Soon you will be able to see details on the web harvesting page! Until then, find some insights on our Facebook or LinkedIn page, or check details about our next training opportunity on the AOPL Croatia web pages!

The Art of Participatory Leadership 2021 Online edition Join the ONLINE edition of the exciting and renowned The Art of Participatory Leadership training delivered by AOPL Croatia international hosting team!  The ART OF PARTICIPATORY LEADERSHIP 2022 ONLINE 23-27.5.2022. As part of the global network of trainers in the Art of hosting, this training is a collaborative effort with […]

The Art of Participatory Leadership trainings in 2022 will be held as follows: ONLINE: 23 - 27 May 2022, 2 - 6 pm, CET ONSITE (in-person): 4 - 6 October 2022, Croatia As part of the global network of trainers in the Art of hosting, we are offering this learning opportunity as a collaborative effort, with partners from several countries. Training is held in the English language, intended for international participants, and enables rich and unique exchange and learning journeys.

The Art of Participatory Leadership 2021 Join the new ON SITE edition of the exciting and renowned The Art of Participatory Leadership training delivered by AOPL Croatia international hosting team!  The ART OF PARTICIPATORY LEADERSHIP 2021 23-25.11.2021. As part of the global network of trainers in the Art of hosting, this training is a collaborative effort with […]

For the last 8 years, we are organizing training in Croatia as an international hosting team for an international group of participants. We feel the commitment to continue to meet the business needs especially now when changes are affecting all aspects of our lives and we need to connect, learn and practice remotely.  This special learning opportunity is driven […]

Date: November 23-25, 2021.   Location: Terme Tuhelj (near Zagreb), Croatia      Language: English Instead of doing it online again, we decided to organise it ON SITE! As part of the global network of trainers in the Art of hosting, we are offering this learning opportunity in the beautiful countryside of Croatia, near Zagreb. This training is a […]

CHANGED Date: 14-15.5.2020  Location: ONLINE    Language: Croatian [Zbog situacije izazvane COVID-19 virusom termin je promijenjen, i trening će se održati u online okruženju!]  Pridružite nam se na intenzivnom početnom modulu za izgradnju vaših facilitatorskih vještina! Facilitatorske vještine su postale izuzetno važan alat za sve koji rade s grupama – predavači, treneri, HR specijalisti, voditelji projekata, organizatori evenata, […]