Open events

AoPL/AoH Follow up May 2020

This is the call to all of you who participated in the AoPL or AoH training in the last more than a decade – we will open learning space for connecting and sharing insights, questions and ideas around your practice! Follow-up should be a step for all learners to deepen the tools and practice after participating in the training!

Join us for AOPL/AOH Follow-up session on Monday, 11.5.2020., 16:00 – 18:00 CET

Facilitation skills intensive course – new date in 2020!

CHANGED Date: 14-15.5.2020  Location: ONLINE    Language: Croatian

[Zbog situacije izazvane COVID-19 virusom termin je promijenjen, i trening će se održati u online okruženju!]

Pridružite nam se na intenzivnom početnom modulu za izgradnju vaših facilitatorskih vještina!

Facilitatorske vještine su postale izuzetno važan alat za sve koji rade s grupama – predavači, treneri, HR specijalisti, voditelji projekata, organizatori evenata, menadžeri. Priliku kad se grupa nađe na jednom mjestu treba što bolje iskoristiti. Ovaj trening vam daje mogućnost da naučite vrlo konkretne tehnike i načine njihove primjene. 

Your next step in Visual Harvesting and Visual Facilitation

Date: Date for 2020 to be announced Location: Zagreb, Croatia – register to our newsletter to be informed!


This workshop means to dive deeper into Visual Practice. Be it Graphic Recording, Generative Scribing or Visual Facilitation – we’re looking at your individual actual challenges and potential next steps and take it from there. The workshop is set up to get you on firm ground in theory and practice to support meaningful change wherever you work.